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The General Law Code for the Prussian States, proclaimed on February 5, 1794, effective June 1, 1794 (1794)

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§ 50. At the same time, he must notify the chief of justice of this supposed lack of legal precedent. [ . . . ]

§ 54. Privileges and granted freedoms [Freiheiten] must, in doubtful cases, be declared in a way that leads to as little disadvantage to third parties as possible.

§ 55. Otherwise, the granted privileges and freedoms are to be interpreted in a way that does not miss or thwart the well-intentioned aim of the grantor.

§ 56. Privileges and freedoms that have been acquired through a disagreeable contract are to be interpreted and judged according to the rules applicable to contracts.

§ 57. Furthermore, all of the same special laws and ordinances are to be declared in such a way that they closely conform to the provisions of the general law and to the ultimate purposes of the state.

§ 58. In general, more consideration is to be shown for the actual substance of the privilege in doubtful cases than for the motivations given in the initial granting. [ . . . ]

II. General Principles of Law.

§ 73. Each member of the state is duty bound to support the welfare and security of the commonwealth in relation to his class and wealth.

Relationship of the State to its Citizens.

§ 74. Individual laws and the advantages of individual members of the state must yield to the rights and duties that promote the common good when there is a real conflict between the two.

§ 75. However, the state is obligated to compensate those who are forced to sacrifice their individual rights and advantages for the benefit of the commonwealth.

§ 76. Every inhabitant of the state is justified in demanding that the state protect his person and his property.

§ 77. However, no one is allowed to take the law into his own hands.

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