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The General Law Code for the Prussian States, proclaimed on February 5, 1794, effective June 1, 1794 (1794)

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§ 78. Self-defense can only be used as an excuse in cases when the help of the state would come too late to prevent irretrievable loss.

§ 79. Each inhabitant of the state must leave the resolution of disputes, as well as the determination of the punishments to be imposed, to the lawfully appointed courts.

§ 80. Legal disputes between the head of state and his subjects, also, should be argued and decided in the ordinary courts in accordance with the rule of law.

§ 81. The state expects protection against foreign enemies to occur solely from the orders of its head.

Source of Law.

§ 82. The rights of the person [Menschen] arise from his birth, from his class [Stand], and from actions or circumstances that have certain legal consequences.

§ 83. The general rights of Man are based on the natural freedom to seek and promote his own fortune, without infringing upon the rights of others. [ . . . ]

Second Part.

Twentieth Title: Regarding Crime and Its Punishment.

Eleventh Section: Regarding Bodily Harm.

6) Kitchenware

§ 728. No one should use copper containers without tin coating for food preparation.

§ 729. Coppersmiths and all others who sell wares that are insufficiently plated with tin should be punished with the confiscation of their stock and a fine of ten to twenty taler; however, in the case of a repeat offense, their rights as a master should be declared forfeited.

§ 730. The same punishment is reserved for those professionals who use a supplement of lead to coat copper kitchen wares with tin.

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