§ 731. The careless use of coal in closed rooms, where the smoke can be dangerous to the people therein, is to be punished with a three to ten taler fine or an arbitrary jail sentence, even if no harm is done.
Source of original German text: Allgemeines Landrecht für die Preußischen Staaten von 1794. Textausgabe [General Law Code for the Prussian States from 1794. Text Edition], edited by Hans Hattenhauer. Frankfurt/Berlin: Metzner, 1970. pp. 51-54, 695.
Reprinted in Walter Demel and Uwe Puschner, eds., Von der Französischen Revolution bis zum Wiener Kongreß 1789-1815 [From the French Revolution to the Congress of Vienna 1789-1815]. Deutsche Geschichte in Quellen und Darstellung, edited by Rainer A. Müller, Volume 6. Stuttgart: P. Reclam, 1995, pp. 217-25.
Translation: Ben Marschke