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The General Law Code for the Prussian States, Part II.2: "Of the Mutual Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children" (1794)

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§ 112. Should the son continue to reject the life chosen for him by his father at this point, the custodial court must consult with one or two of his local next of kin and the son’s teachers and examine both sides’ arguments.

[ . . . ]

7) The children’s obligations concerning domestic work.

§ 121. The children are obliged to help their parents in their business and trade according to their abilities.

§ 122. This may not interfere with the time necessary for the children’s education and training, however.

8) The extent to which children can make a purchase or enter themselves or their parents into an obligation.

§123. Any purchases children make on such occasions they make for the parents.

[ . . . ]

Source: Allgemeines Landrecht für die Preußischen Staaten (1794), Teil II.2: “Von den wechselseitigen Rechten und Pflichten der Aeltern und Kinder” [General Law Code for the Prussian States (1794), Part II.2: “Of the Mutual Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children”]. Berlin: G. C. Nauck, 1835, pp. 98-100, 102-03

Reprinted in Jürgen Schlumbohm, ed., Kinderstuben, Wie Kinder zu Bauern, Bürgern, Aristokraten wurden 1700-1850 [Upbringing, How Children Became Farmers, Middle-Class Citizens, and Aristocrats 1700-1850]. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983, pp. 47-49.

Translation: Insa Kummer

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