The General Law Code for the Prussian States
Introduction I. Regarding the laws generally.
§ 1. The General Law Code contains the ordinances according to which the rights and duties of the inhabitants [Einwohner] of the state are to be judged, insofar as these are not determined by special laws.
§ 2. Special provincial ordinances and statutes by individual communities and societies attain the power of law only through the territorial [Landesherrliche] confirmation.
§ 3. Common law [Gewohnheitsrechte] and observance, which are to have the power of law in the provinces and individual communities, must be recorded in the provincial law books. [ . . . ]
§ 10. The law first becomes legally valid at the time at which it is duly announced.
§ 11. Therefore, all legal ordinances and the complete contents thereof must be publically posted at the customary places, and extracts must be made public in the newspapers [Intelligenzblättern] of the province in which they are issued.