Foreword With this work I intend less a polemic against Jewry than confirmation of a cultural and historical fact.
The polemical language that conditions sometimes force upon me can and must be understood as no more than a cry of pain from one of the oppressed.
A resigned “pessimism” flows from my pen.
Think, if you will, “he must be a queer bird.” But be assured that no one would be happier than myself if the facts I touch upon could be refuted.
Countless times we non-Jews have attacked Jews and Jewry in literature, but always from the standpoint of our own overweening presumption. Our self-conceit still keeps us from the open and honest admission that Israel has become a world power of the very first rank. We knew the Jews well enough – but not ourselves.
Be that as it may, this book should be permitted to lay claim to originality. Written without a trace of religious prejudice, it allows you to peer into the mirror of cultural and historical facts. Do not blame the “pessimist” if the mirror shows you to be slaves.
I have two hopes for this book:
1) first, that it will not be killed by the silence of the Jewish critics;
2) that it will not be finished off by your well-known, self-satisfied clichés.