Buerckel: The Viennese would agree to this whole-heartedly.
Goebbels: I wonder if the Jews would have a chance to pull out of this, and to put something on the side.
Brinkmann: They’d be subject to punishment.
V. Krosigk: Mr. Fischboeck, one question: Could this authorization be ordered without their closing out their securities?
Funk: They are all registered. They’ll also have to register the money.
V. Krosigk: But for the time being they may dispose of it.
Goering: It won’t help them to cash them all. They can’t get rid of the money.
Funk: They’ll be the ones to have the damage if they sell their stocks and bonds.
Fischboeck: There is a certain danger. But I don’t think it is very great. But only then, when all the other measures shall definitely be carried out during next week.
V. Krosigk: They have to be taken during the next week at the latest.
Goering: I would make that a condition.
Fischboeck: Maybe it is good that we put ourselves under pressure this way.
Goering: I shall close the wording this way; that German Jewry shall, as punishment for their abominable crimes etc., etc. have to make a contribution of 1 billion. That’ll work. The pigs won’t commit another murder. Incidentally, I’d like to say again that I would not like to be a Jew in Germany.
V. Krosigk: Therefore, I’d like to emphasize what Mr. Heydrich has said in the beginning; that we’ll have to try everything possible, by way of additional exports, to shove the Jews into foreign countries. The decisive factor is that we don’t want the society-proletariat here. They’ll always be a terrific liability for us.
(Frick: “and a danger!”)
I don’t imagine the prospect of the ghetto is very nice. The idea of the ghetto is not a very agreeable one. Therefore, the goal must be, like Heydrich said, to move out whatever we can!