8. The High Contracting Parties shall organize a political dialogue with third countries and regional groupings whenever they deem it necessary.
9. The High Contracting Parties and the Commission, through mutual assistance and information, shall intensify co-operation between their representations accredited to third countries and to international organizations.
10. (a) The Presidency of the European Political Co-operation shall be held by the High Contracting Party which holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.
(b) The Presidency shall be responsible for initiating action and coordinating and representing the positions of the Member States in relations with third countries in respect of European Political Co-operation activities. It shall also be responsible for the management of Political Co-operation and in particular for drawing up the timetable of meetings and for convening and organizing meetings.
(c) The Political Directors shall meet regularly in the Political Committee in order to give the necessary impetus, maintain the continuity of European Political Co-operation and prepare Ministers’ discussions.
(d) The Political Committee or, if necessary, a ministerial meeting shall convene within 48 hours at the request of at least three Member States.
(e) The European Correspondents’ Group shall be responsible, under the direction of the Political Committee, for monitoring the implementation of European Political Co-operation and for studying general organizational problems.
(f) Working groups shall meet as directed by the Political Committee.
(g) A Secretariat based in Brussels shall assist the Presidency in preparing and implementing the activities of European Political Co-operation and in administrative matters. It shall carry out its duties under the authority of the Presidency.
11. As regards privileges and immunities, the members of the European Political Co-operation Secretariat shall be treated in the same way as members of diplomatic missions of the High Contracting Parties based in the same place as the Secretariat.
12. Five years after the entry into force of this Act the High Contracting Parties shall examine whether any revision of Title III is required.
Source: The Single European Act (February 17/28, 1986), Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 169, June 29, 1987, pp. 4-14.