The Single European Act (February 17/28, 1986) signed by the Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the European Community in Luxemburg on February 17/28, 1986
Title I
Common Provisions Article 1
The European Communities and European Political Co-operation shall have as their objective to contribute together to making concrete progress towards European unity.
The European Communities shall be founded on the Treaties establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community, the European Atomic Energy Community and on the subsequent Treaties and Acts modifying or supplementing them.
Political Co-operation shall be governed by Title III. The provisions of that Title shall confirm and supplement the procedures agreed in the reports of Luxembourg (1970), Copenhagen (1973), London (1981) the Solemn Declaration on European Union (1983) and the practices gradually established among the Member States.
Article 2
The European Council shall bring together the Heads of State or of Government of the Member States and the President of the Commission of the European Communities. They shall be assisted by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and by a Member of the Commission.
The European Council shall meet at least twice a year.
Article 3
1. The institutions of the European Communities, henceforth designated as referred to hereafter, shall exercise their powers and jurisdiction under the conditions and for the purposes provided for by the Treaties establishing the Communities and by the subsequent Treaties and Acts modifying or supplementing them and by the provisions of Title II.
2. The institutions and bodies responsible for European Political Co-operation shall exercise their powers and jurisdiction under the conditions and for the purposes laid down in Title III and in the documents referred to in the third paragraph of Article 1.