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Women's Activism in the Revolution of 1848/49: Statutes of the Viennese Democratic Women's Association (1848); Report on their Activities (1850); Petition to the Austrian Constituent Assembly (October 16, 1848)

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§ 15
In urgent cases the committee has the right to make decisions and carry them out, though it has the responsibility and obligation to bring the matter up for consideration at the next meeting.

§ 16
The clerks [Schriftführerinnen] keep a record of members and guests and a brief account of the debates and decisions, which are published. They also attend to the association’s correspondence and write down the names of those who wish to speak in the order in which they have asked to be recognized, for or against the topic of the debate.

§ 17
Every motion that is supported by three members must be brought to a vote.

§ 18
The member who proposed the motion is the last to speak. Like any other member, she can ask to be recognized three times during the debate.

§ 19
Once a vote has been taken, no further debate about the same motion is allowed to take place at the same meeting.

§ 20
All votes are decided by a majority vote. Voting is by written ballot.

§ 21
Every meeting requires half the members plus one.

§ 22
At least two regular meetings shall take place every week.

§ 23
Selecting the location and the weekdays for the meetings is left up to the association.

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