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The Politburo of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany: Report by the Commission on Questions Concerning Republikflucht (June 25, 1956)

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The following measures are necessary:

1. Since the organization of Republikflucht is “a means to maintain and continue the Cold War,” it is imperative that the entire state apparatus and all social organizations be incorporated into the struggle against Republikflucht in accordance with a uniform plan. It is necessary for internal deliberations on this question to be carried out both within the Block and within the Presidium of the National Council;

2. It is imperative to ensure – while stipulating personal responsibility – that when decrees and directives are issued by agencies, the political repercussions of every measure are weighed, and that every measure is thoroughly and comprehensibly explained to the relevant occupational groups. Here, those affected by the intended measures should be consulted beforehand, to the greatest extent possible;

3. In all areas in which the state and economic apparatus is active, as well as in social organizations, a vigorous battle must be waged against bureaucratism, soulless behavior, and commandant-style methods. It would be useful, for educational purposes, to hold regular seminars to debate the question of how state and economic functionaries behave toward the population;

4. In debates with the population, overcoming impatience toward unclear or even false views, provided they do not spring from hostile attitudes, must be the guiding principle of all functionaries of the state apparatus and all social organizations.

The primary method for educating workers in the various administrations and in political work among all strata of the population must be to patiently win people over to the basic ideas of our standpoint.

5. In the assignment of socio-political tasks, anything perceived as coercive must be eliminated. The goal must be to have social tasks completed with conviction and on a voluntary basis, and, in the process, for every individual’s milieu, way of thinking, and opportunities to be taken into account;

6. It is useful and necessary to lend greater public weight to deliberations by elected bodies (district assemblies, county assemblies, community assemblies) by inviting certain occupational groups when particular issues are dealt with, through greater publicity in the press and on the radio, and by soliciting and answering questions from the public and individual delegates in order to ensure more vigorous debate during deliberations. It is imperative that, in addition to holding fixed office hours, delegates must simultaneously engage in deliberations relating to various questions from individual strata of the population, chiefly questions connected to the fulfillment of the plan in various areas;

7. The chairmen of the district councils and the county councils must be given the power to ensure that individuals who fled the republic and subsequently returned are given proper work;

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