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Frederick William I ("the Soldier King"), Instructions on the Formation and Functioning of the General Directory (December 20, 1722)

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In a word, Our most gracious intention is that no person shall be proposed for a vacancy in a Provincial Commissariat or Chamber who is a native of the Province in which the vacancy occurs.

[ . . . ]

15. For all excisemen, inspectors of mills, police patrols, messengers, and other similar services, We wish no one to be employed except disabled ex-N.C.O.’s and soldiers, whose names must always be put forward by Our Adjutant General for Our most gracious approval. [ . . . ]

17. We also most graciously command the General Directory to examine carefully and closely whether some retrenchments cannot be made in the Commissariats and Chambers where there are many employees, and whether other services cannot be combined, and the cost of their maintenance thus reduced. For example, in towns where customs are levied, the excisemen can at the same time receive the customs, and the salaries of the customs officers be saved.

If the Directory sets itself to look into this point with due regard for Our service and interests, it will render Us considerable service, profit, and savings. [ . . . ]

19. Instructions to the Provincial Commissariats must in particular lay down that the Provincial Presidents are to visit the towns under their charge frequently, and inform themselves exactly of their conditions in respect of their trade and traffic, commerce and manufactures, the citizens and inhabitants and their conditions of living and employment, so as to become as closely acquainted with the towns in their Departments as a Captain in Our army must–as We insist–know his company; he must be exactly acquainted with the morale, intelligence, and physical qualities of every soldier belonging to it. [ . . . ]

Art. II.

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7. The drafts of all communications sent out from the General Directory, judicial matters alone excepted, are revised by all five Directing Ministers.

8. The originals are to be countersigned simultaneously by Our Lieutenant General and Real Minister of State von Grumbkow and by Councillor von Creutz.

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