Anti Young Plan Poster by the Reich Committee for a German Referendum (October 1929)
The right-wing parties vehemently rejected the Young Plan because they considered the reparations payments....
The Brüning Cabinet (March 30, 1930)
After the Grand Coalition led by Chancellor Hermann Müller had broken up and Müller had resigned on March....
The German National People’s Party Campaigns in Berlin-Neukölln with an Anti-Semitic Poster (August-September 1930)
Reich President Hindenburg dissolved the Reichstag in July 1930 after it had refused to support Chancellor Brüning’s....
Passersby Read Election Posters for Various Parties Campaigning for the Reichstag Election (September 14, 1930)
In July 1930, Reich President Hindenburg dissolved the Reichstag when its delegates refused to support Chancellor Brüning’s budgetary....
The Center [Zentrum] Party Campaigns in the Streets of Berlin (August-September 1930)
Following the dissolution of the Reichstag, new elections were scheduled for September 14, 1930. This....
Center Party [Zentrum] Election Poster (1930)
Since its founding in 1870, the Center party represented the interests of political Catholicism across....
Berliners Congregate Outside of Karl Liebknecht House on Election Day (September 14, 1930)
This photograph taken outside Karl Liebknecht House, the KPD party headquarters at Berlin’s Bülowplatz,....
Hitler at a Parade of National Socialist Storm Troopers [SA] in Weimar (October 1930)
This photograph was taken by Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler’s personal photographer whose pictures significantly....
Reich President Hindenburg Announces his Reelection Bid in a Radio Address (1932)
In 1932, incumbent Paul von Hindenburg ran for reelection as Reich President. Running against Hindenburg, who was listed as an independent candidate, were Adolf Hitler (NSDAP), Ernst Thälmann (KPD),....
Otto Meissner Exits the Polls (March 1932)
This March 1932 photo by press photographer Georg Pahl shows the head of the Reich President’s Office, Otto....