Election for the Prussian State Parliament [Landtag] in Berlin (April 24, 1932)
The fact that in 1932 the Social Democrats were still part of the government in Prussia, the largest and most populous German state, was anathema to the conservative forces that were still hoping....
The Papen Cabinet (June 3, 1932)
Franz von Papen (1879-1969) was a member of the Center party [Zentrum] and a delegate of the Prussian state parliament [Landtag]. He belonged to the right, monarchist wing of his party.....
Rent Strike in Berlin (1932)
Since the onset of the Great Depression poverty had steadily increased. Mass....
Election Posters in Berlin (1932)
This photo was taken at Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz during the campaign for the 1932 presidential election.....
National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) Election Poster (1932)
Shortly after the presidential election of March/April 1932, in which Hindenburg was reelected, German....
SPD Election Poster (1932)
Shortly after the presidential election of March/April 1932, in which Hindenburg was reelected, voters....