Hitler at a Parade of National Socialist Storm Troopers [SA] in Weimar (October 1930)
This photograph was taken by Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler’s personal photographer whose pictures significantly and strategically shaped Hitler’s public image. It was taken in 1930 during the “German Day” parade in Weimar and shows Hitler in front of the historic hotel “Elephant.” “German Days” were nationalist mass events organized by the Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund [German Nationalist Protection and Defense League], and in the 1920s and 1930s were also adopted by other nationalist and paramilitary organizations such as the SA. Despite being dressed in civilian clothes, Hitler as NSDAP party leader displays a quasi-military demeanor, standing in an open car and giving participants in the parade the Hitler salute as if inspecting troops. Standing to his right is Rudolf Heß, who was Hitler’s private secretary at this time. To the left, standing in front of the car and wearing uniforms are: Hermann Göring, Reichstag member for the NSDAP and Hitler’s political advisor; Manfred Freiherr von Killinger, NSDAP member of the Saxon parliament [Landtag] and former head of the Organisation Consul; Fritz Sauckel, Head of the NSDAP district [Gauleiter] of Thuringia and member of the Thuringian parliament [Landtag]. A large number of people have gathered in the street to watch the parade. The Thuringian capital of Weimar was a NSDAP stronghold; in the 1930 elections the party had won more than 28% of the vote there.
© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz / Heinrich Hoffmann