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Wilhelm I and Entourage at the Battle of Königgrätz, July 3, 1866 (painting from 1872)

In this detail from the panoramic painting Beginning of the Pursuit at Königgrätz [Beginn der Verfolgung von Königgrätz] (1872), artist Christian Sell (1831-83) portrays Prussian King Wilhelm I (center) as though he personally led the Prussian pursuit of the defeated Austrians as they retreated from the field of battle. Bismarck and Chief of the Prussian General Staff Helmuth von Moltke can be seen in the left half of the canvas.

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Wilhelm I and Entourage at the Battle of Königgrätz, July 3, 1866 (painting from 1872)

© Bildarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Original: Rastatt, Wehrgeschichtliches Museum. Photo: Jochen Remmer.