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Unification Treaty (August 31, 1990)

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Article 28
Economic Assistance
(1) Upon the accession taking effect, the territory specified in Article 3 of this Treaty shall be incorporated into the arrangements of the Federation existing in the territory of the Federal Republic for economic assistance, taking into consideration the competence of the European Communities. The specific requirements of structural adjustment shall be taken into account during a transitional period. This will make a major contribution to the speediest possible development of a balanced economic structure with particular regard for small and medium-sized businesses.
(2) The relevant ministries shall prepare concrete programs to speed up economic growth and structural adjustment in the territory specified in Article 3 of this Treaty. The programs shall cover the following fields:
– measures of regional economic assistance accompanied by a special program for the benefit of the territory specified in Article 3 of this Treaty; preferential arrangements shall be ensured for this territory;
– measures to improve the general economic conditions in the communes, with particular emphasis being given to infrastructure geared to the needs of the economy;
– measures to foster the rapid development of small and medium-sized businesses;
– measures to promote the modernization and restructuring of the economy, relying on restructuring schemes drawn up by industry of its own accord (e.g. rehabilitation programs, including ones for exports to COMECON countries);
– debt relief for enterprises following the examination of each case individually.

Article 29
Foreign Trade Relations
(1) The established foreign trade relations of the German Democratic Republic, in particular the existing contractual obligations vis-à-vis the countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, shall enjoy protection of confidence. They shall be developed further and expanded, taking into consideration the interests of all parties concerned and having regard for the principles of a market economy as well as the competence of the European Communities. [ . . . ]

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