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Unification Treaty (August 31, 1990)

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Article 24
Settlements of Claims and Liabilities vis-à-vis Foreign Countries and the Federal Republic of Germany
(1) In so far as they arise from the monopoly on foreign trade and foreign currency or from the performance of other state tasks of the German Democratic Republic vis-à-vis foreign countries and the Federal Republic of Germany up to 1 July 1990, the settlement of the claims and liabilities remaining when the accession takes effect shall take place under instructions from, and under the supervision of, the Federal Minister of Finance. [ . . . ]

Article 25
Assets held in Trust
The Privatization and Reorganization of Publicly Owned Assets Act (Trusteeship Act) of 17 June 1990 (Law Gazette 1, No. 33, p.300) shall continue to apply after the accession takes effect with the following proviso:
(1) The Trust Agency shall continue to be charged, in accordance with the provisions of the Trusteeship Act, with restructuring and privatizing the former publicly owned enterprises to bring them into line with the requirements of a competitive economy. It shall become a direct institution of the Federation vested with legal capacity and subject to public law. Technical and legal supervision shall be the responsibility of the Federal Minister of Finance, who shall exercise technical supervision in agreement with the Federal Minister of Economics and the respective federal minister. Stakes held by the Trust Agency shall be indirect stakes of the Federation. Amendments to the Charter shall require the agreement of the Federal Government. [ . . . ]
(4) The power to raise loans granted to the Trust Agency by Article 27 (1) of the Treaty of 18 May 1990 shall be increased from a maximum total of 17 billion Deutsche Mark to a maximum total of 25 billion Deutsche Mark. The aforementioned loans should, as a rule, be repaid by 31 December 1995. The Federal Minister of Finance may permit an extension of the loan periods and, in the event of a fundamental change in conditions, give permission for the loan ceilings to be exceeded.
(5) The Trust Agency shall be empowered, in agreement with the Federal Minister of Finance, to assume sureties, guarantees and other warranties. [ . . . ]

Article 26
Special Fund of the Deutsche Reichsbahn
(1) Upon the accession taking effect, the property and all other property rights of the German Democratic Republic and the Reich property in Berlin (West) belonging to the special fund of the Deutsche Reichsbahn within the meaning of Article 26 (2) of the Treaty of 18 May 1990 shall become the property of the Federal Republic of Germany as the special fund of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. [ . . . ]

Article 27
Special Fund of the Deutsche Post
(1) The property and all other property rights belonging to the special fund of the Deutsche Post shall become the property of the Federal Republic of Germany. They shall be combined with the special fund of the Deutsche Bundespost. [ . . . ]

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