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Excerpts from Hitler’s Speech before the first "Greater German Reichstag" (January 30, 1939)

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I therefore consider it necessary that, from now on, our propaganda and our press should always answer these attacks and that, above all, they should be brought to the attention of the German Volk.

It needs to know who the men are who want to start a war at all costs. I am convinced that the calculations of these elements are faulty, for once the National Socialist propaganda begins to answer back, we will be just as successful as we were within Germany when we brought the Jewish world-enemy to its knees through the compelling force of our propaganda.

The nations will soon realize that National Socialist Germany seeks no enmity with other nations, that all claims that our Volk intends to attack other nations are the product of a pathological hysteria or are lies spawned by the personal desire of certain politicians to survive, that in certain states these lies are intended to help unconscionable profiteers protect their financial interest, that international Jewry most of all hopes to satisfy its thirst for revenge and its lust for profit by means of these lies, and that they represent the most outrageous slander that one can inflict on a great and peace-loving nation.

After all, German soldiers have never fought on American soil, for example, except in service to American independence and its struggle for liberty, but American soldiers were certainly brought to Europe to help strangle a great nation fighting for its freedom.

It is not Germany that has attacked America, but America that has attacked Germany, and as the investigative committee in the American House of Representatives determined, it did so without any compelling cause, merely for capitalistic motives.

But everyone should be clear about one thing: these attempts will have no influence whatsoever on Germany, especially on the way it is resolving its Jewish question.

Let me say the following about the Jewish question: It is a shameful spectacle to see today how the entire world of democracy is oozing with compassion toward the poor, tormented Jewish people, while remaining hard-heartedly stubborn in the face of what is an obvious duty to help them. The arguments that are used to excuse this failure actually speak only for us Germans and Italians.

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