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Constitution of the German Empire (April 16, 1871)

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Art. 9
Every member of the Federal Council has the right to appear in the Reichstag, and must at his desire at all times be heard, in order to represent the views of his government, even when these views have not been adopted by the majority of the Federal Council. No one may at the same time be a member of the Federal Council and of the Reichstag.

Art. 10
The Emperor is bound to afford the usual diplomatic protection to the members of the Federal Council.

Section IV. The Presidency

Art. 11
The Presidency of the Federation belongs to the King of Prussia, who bears the name of German Emperor. The Emperor has to represent the Reich internationally, to declare war and to conclude peace in the name of the Reich, to enter into alliances and other treaties with foreign powers, to accredit and to receive ambassadors.

The consent of the Federal Council is necessary for the declaration of war in the name of the Reich, unless an attack on the territory or the coast of the Federation has taken place. In so far as treaties with foreign states have reference to affairs which, according to Art. 4, belong to the jurisdiction of the legislation, the consent of the Federal Council is requisite for their conclusion, and the sanction of the Reichstag for their coming into force.

Art. 12
The Emperor has the right to summon, to open, to prorogue and to close both the Federal Council and the Reichstag.

Art. 13
The summoning of the Federal Council and of the Reichstag takes place once each year and the Federal Council can be called together for preparation of business without the Reichstag being likewise summoned, whereas the latter cannot be summoned without the Federal Council.

Art. 14
The Federal Council must be summoned whenever one-third of the votes require it.

Art. 15
The presidency of the Federal Council and the direction of the business belongs to the Reichskanzler, who is to be appointed by the Emperor. The Reichskanzler can be represented, on his giving written notification thereof, by any other member of the Federal Council.

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