I’d like to say something else regarding this matter. I believe that what President Mitterrand has repeatedly emphasized in this context is correct and of considerable importance: intellectually, it is only fair if we discuss and clear up the existing difficulties before these countries join the EC. We know from concrete past experience that it is much more difficult to come to agreement on such issues after accession takes place. As you know, in March the Community resolved to limit the guarantee for milk. Here in Dublin, it was possible to reach a compromise on regulations for wine. I hope that despite Greece’s objections it will be possible to clear the way for Spain and Portugal to enter the EC. This means that the Commission has the option, subject to confirmation, to negotiate with Spain and Portugal over the coming weeks on all questions that still remain open, including the trade of agricultural products and issues regarding fishing.
I know that these talks will not be easy. But it is a great step forward that the Community is now agreed on what it wants to achieve and what it can offer. The quick conclusion of these talks – and this, too, must be said – will now depend upon the Spanish and Portuguese governments’ willingness and ability to compromise.
In spite of the difficult negotiations in Dublin, I assume that the accession will proceed as agreed on January 1, 1986. This can be achieved if all involved parties show the necessary goodwill to find agreement. We, the [German] federal government – and I think you will support us in this – will do all that is humanly possible to make a contribution to assuring that this promised deadline be met.
[ . . . ]
Source: "Erklärung von Bundeskanzler Kohl vor dem Deutschen Bundestag am 7. Dezember 1984" ["Policy Statement by Chancellor Helmut Kohl before the German Bundestag on December 7, 1984"], in Bulletin (Press and Information Office of the Federal Government), December 8, 1984, no. 152, pp. 1337-43; reprinted in the Foreign Ministry, ed., Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Dokumente von 1949 bis 1994 [Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. Documents from 1949 to 1994]. Cologne, 1995, pp. 520-21.
Translation: Allison Brown