Art. 8. The Confederal governments commit themselves, upon a requisition having been carried out, to deport without delay those who have committed political offenses or crimes in a Confederal state and who, in order to escape punishment, have fled to another Confederal land; [no Confederal government is obliged to deport its own subjects].
Art. 9. The Confederal governments reciprocally assure each other of the most prompt military assistance on demand and, in that they recognize that circumstances, currently no less urgent than in October 1830, require extraordinary precautions because of the employment of the Confederation’s military forces, they will let themselves be seriously concerned with carrying out the resolution of October 21, 1830 – concerning disciplinary measures for the establishment and maintenance of peace in Germany – even under current circumstances, and for as long as the maintenance of peace in Germany makes it desirable.
Art. 10. All Confederal governments commit themselves, without delay, to notify the Confederal Assembly of those decrees that they have undertaken in order to carry out the aforementioned disciplinary measures in accordance with the exigencies resulting in the different Confederal states.
Source: Protokolle der Bundesversammlung 1832, 24. Sitzung [Minutes of the Confederal Assembly 1832, 24th session].
Original German text also reprinted in Ernst Rudolf Huber, ed., Deutsche Verfassungsdokumente 1803-1850 [German Constitutional Documents 1803-1850], vol. 1, Dokumente zur deutschen Verfassungsgeschichte [Documents on German Constitutional History], 3rd ed., rev. and enl. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1978, pp. 134-35.
Translation: Jeremiah Riemer