Art. 3. Extraordinary popular assemblies and popular festivals, namely those whose time and place were previously neither customary nor permitted, may not take place, no matter under what name and to what purpose, in any Confederal state without prior approval of the competent authority.
Those who give occasion to such assemblies or festivals by appointment or announcement are subject to an appropriate punishment.
Even at permitted popular assemblies and popular festivals, it should not be tolerated that public speeches with political content are held; those who are guilty of this are to be forcefully punished, and whoever abuses any popular assembly in order to propose addresses or resolutions and have them approved by signature or oral consent is to have more severe punishment imposed on them.
Art. 4. The public carrying of insignias on ribbons, rosettes, or the like, whether it be by natives or foreigners, in colors other than those of the country to whom the carrier belongs as a subject – the unauthorized putting up of banners and flags, the erection of liberty trees and similar rebellious symbols – is to be strictly punished.
Art. 5. The provisional resolution prepared on September 20, 1819, in accordance with the additional resolution of August 12, 1824, about the disciplinary measures to be undertaken with a view toward the universities, will be – both in general, and especially with regard to the provisions contained in §§ 2 and 3 of the same, – unfailingly applied in the appropriate cases, in so far as this has not already happened.
Art. 6. The Confederal governments will have continuously provided the most exacting police surveillance on all local residents who have made known – through public speeches, writings, or actions – their activities or participation in seditious plans; at any time, most promptly and readily, they will provide reciprocal support about all discoveries of subversive secret associations and the individuals involved in them, including following up on evidence in these cases.
Art. 7. Special attention is to be directed toward foreigners who have proceeded to one of the Confederal states owing to political offenses or crimes, as well as toward natives and foreigners who come from places or regions where associations for overthrowing the Confederation or German governments have formed and are suspected of participation therein; to this end, current passport rules everywhere in the Confederal lands are to be scrutinized most exactly and, where need be, sharpened.
The Confederal governments will see to it that suspicious foreign arrivals who cannot sufficiently identify the purpose of their stay will not be permitted.