1. If, in the cases listed under A, it is necessary for police authorities, in accordance with their duty-bound discretion, to intervene immediately in order to uphold the public safety, then the police authorities may undertake on their own initiative the actions that are immediately necessary. They are required, however, to report their activities to me immediately, so that I can decide on further measures.
2. The approval or rejection of the permission to hold a meeting is, as regulated in No. III 1 of the decree of November 27, 1914 – IB No. 37895, transferred to the civil authorities named therein. From this it follows that these authorities are empowered to make this approval contingent upon any sort of condition that appears purposeful to them, especially with regard to surveillance or the lifting of restrictions.

The jurisdiction of the authorities, insofar as they are regulated by the rules of criminal or civil procedure or other laws, especially by the Bundesrat decree concerning the licensing and sale of alcohol and spirits of March 26, 1915, is not affected by this decree.
The Commanding General
Freiherr von Gayl
Source: Decree of the Deputy Commanding General of the Seventh Army Corp Regulating the Jurisdiction of the Civilian Authorities, 23. June 1915, Münster, Abt. Ib Nr. 14676 – Staatsarchiv Münster, Zgg. 2/51, Nr. 394, Band 2.
Original German text also reprinted in Wilhelm Deist, Militär und Innenpolitik im Weltkrieg 1914-1918 [The Military and Domestic Politics in World War 1914-1918]. 2 vols. Düsseldorf, 1970, vol. 1, pp. 26-28.
Translation: Jeffrey Verhey