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Public Opinion on European Integration (1973-1989)

Since 1973, the European Community has regularly conducted “Eurobarometer” opinion polls on a variety of issues, such as attitudes towards membership, specific political themes, and the future of European integration. Between 1973 and 1989, West Germans generally took a positive view of EC membership, with only slight fluctuations in opinion. In the 1980s, citizens were also asked about the concrete benefits of membership, and their answers showed not only their support of the EC but also a relatively high degree of indecision, which was partially the result of ignorance about the EC’s actual role.

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I. Membership to the EU

Question: Generally speaking, do you think that (your country’s) membership to the European Community (Common Market) is . . . . ?

Country: Germany. Period: From September 1973 (EB1) to November 1989 (EB32)

© European Communities, 1995-2000

Source: Eurobarometer Interactive Search System; “Membership to the EU,”

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