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Prof. Dr. William Hagen
Professor of History, University of California at Davis
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1971

Publikationen (in Auswahl):

Ordinary Prussians: Brandenburg Junkers and Villagers, 1500-1840. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2002.

"The Balkans' Lethal Nationalisms." Foreign Affairs, vol. 78: 4 (July-August 1999): 1-13.

"Village Life in East-Elbian Germany and Poland, 1400-1800: Subjection, Self-Defense, Survival." In The European Peasantries, 1400-1800, herausgegeben von Tom Scott. London: 1998.

"Before the 'Final Solution': Toward a Comparative Analysis of Political Antisemitism in Interwar Germany and Poland." Journal of Modern History (July 1996): 1-31.

"Seventeenth-Century Crisis in Brandenburg: The Thirty Years' War, the Destabilization of Serfdom, and the Rise of Absolutism." American Historical Review, 94 (1989): 302-335.

Germans, Poles and Jews: the Nationality Conflict in the Prussian East, 1772-1914. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.