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King Frederick William III and his Ministers Stein and Schrötter, "Ordinance for All Cities of the Prussian Monarchy" (November 19, 1808)

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§ 56. The same is obligated to raise all the funds that are required to satisfy the public needs of the city and which cannot be defrayed by the community's revenues from the inhabitants of the city.

Title VI. Regarding the City Officials. Part I. Regarding Elections and Transition.

§ 69. The representation of the citizenry through city officials is necessary, because the citizens are too numerous to allow their opinions on public matters to be heard individually every time.

Therefore, an appropriate representation of the citizenry should be appointed and exist in the future in every city, according to its size, the importance of its trade, and the complexity of the affairs of the commonwealth. [ . . . ]

§ 73. The election of city officials organized by orders, guilds, and corporate groups in the citizenry is, however, hereby completely suspended. All citizens with voting rights take part in the elections, and each will act only as a member of the community, without any consideration of guild, social status [Stand], corporate membership, or religious sect.

§ 74. As a rule, every citizen is entitled to the right to vote in elections of city officials and representatives; however, the following are excluded as exceptions:

a) Those who, according to § 20 and 22 in Title III [above], would be incapable of acquiring civil rights, if they did not already possess them,

b) Members of the magistracy, during the duration of their appointment,

c) Citizens of the female gender,

d) Vagrant [unangesessene] citizens — in large cities, those whose gross income is less than 200 Rthlr. — and in mid-sized and small cities, those whose gross income is less than 150 Rthl. annually, and

e) Persons whose voting rights have been revoked as punishment. [ . . . ]

Titel VII. Regarding the Magistrates and the District Superintendents.

§ 140. In each city there may only be one magistracy for the entire area of jurisdiction. In areas where there are now more than one magistracy, they will be combined into one magistracy. There can also no longer be special magistracies for Palatinate or French communities.

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