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21.   Franco-German Friendship (1963)
After the federal government approved a preamble emphasizing Germany’s ties to NATO, the Bundestag ratified the Elysée Treaty. The treaty was not only of great symbolic and historic importance in....
22.   The German Education Crisis (1963)
Georg Picht, an educator who made a name for himself with the book Die deutsche Bildungskatastrophe [The German Educational Catastrophe], criticizes the narrow-mindedness of the traditional....
23.   State-Controlled Vacations in East Germany (May 23, 1963)
Whereas West Germans enjoyed freedom of travel, East Germans had to use trade-union coupons (so called vacation checks) or government travel agencies to plan their domestic....
24.   U.S. Government Declaration of Solidarity with West Berlin (June 26, 1963)
To reassure West Berliners of America’s determination to defend their freedom, President John F. Kennedy visited the city in the summer of 1963. While there,....
25.   Change through Rapprochement (July 15, 1963)
In the following speech, which was delivered at the Evangelical Academy in Tutzing, Egon Bahr emphasizes Germany’s special role in overcoming the entrenched East-West....
26.   The New Youth Program of the Communist Party (September 21, 1963)
With its new youth program, the SED appealed to the idealism of young people who had been born in the GDR. The program plays with the promise of allowing youths more freedom in choosing their own....
27.   The Communist Leadership’s Criticism of Rock' n' Roll Music as a Form of Western Subversion (October 13, 1963)
After riots in the rock 'n' roll scene, the Leipzig district leadership of the SED expressed its distaste for such youthful excesses. It placed the blame on Western influences and resolved to take....
28.   Farewell to Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (October 15, 1963)
Eighty-seven year-old Konrad Adenauer, who had resigned only under pressure, is honored by Bundestag President Eugen Gerstenmaier....
29.   The End of Postwar History? (October 18, 1963)
In his first policy statement, Ludwig Erhard reviews Konrad Adenauer’s chancellorship and offers a sober analysis of the challenges....
30.   Agreement on Border Crossing (December 17, 1963)
After the Wall was built, citizens of West Berlin were not allowed to travel to the eastern part of the city. It was only after the signing of four travel....
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