Further Reading: Culture
Joachim Köhler, Richard Wagner: The Last of the Titans, trans. Stewart Spencer, New Haven, Conn., 2004.
Clayton Koelb and Eric Downing, eds., German Literature of the Nineteenth Century, 1832-1899, Rochester, NY, 2005 (Camden House History of Germany, vol. 9).
Robin J. Lenman, Artists and Society in Germany, 1850-1914, Manchester, 1997; orig. German ed. as Die Kunst, die Macht und das Geld. Zur Kulturgeschichte des kaiserlichen Deutschland 1871-1918, Frankfurt a.M. and New York, 1994.
Beth Irwin Lewis, Art for All? The Collision of Modern Art and the Public in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany, Princeton, 2003.
Vernon Lidtke, The Alternative Culture: Socialist Labor in Imperial Germany, Oxford and New York, 1985.
Walter Pape, ed., 1870/71-1989/90: German Unifications and the Change of Literary Discourse, Berlin and New York, 1993.
Peter Paret, Art as History: Episodes in the Culture and Politics of Nineteenth-Century Germany, Princeton, 1988.
Joachim Remak, The Gentle Critic: Theodor Fontane and German Politics, 1848-1898, Syracuse, 1964.
Katherine Roper, German Encounters with Modernity: Novels of Imperial Berlin, Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1991.
Ronald Speirs and John Breuilly, eds., Germany’s Two Unifications: Anticipations, Experiences, Responses, Basingstoke, 2005.
George S. Williamson, The Longing for Myth in Germany: Religion and Aesthetic Culture from Romanticism to Nietzsche, Chicago, 2004.
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