Initialing the Basic Treaty (November 8, 1972)
Negotiations regarding the Basic Treaty [Grundlagenvertrag], which was supposed to regulate....
The GDR and the Federal Republic Join the United Nations (September 18, 1973)
Since 1952, the Federal Republic had been represented in the United Nations with an official observer; it also belonged to special U.N. organizations. Regarding itself as the sole representative....
Willy Brandt with His Successor, Helmut Schmidt (May 16, 1974)
In April 1974, Günter Guillaume, an aide in the Chancellor’s Office, was exposed as an East German spy. In response, Willy Brandt resigned as Federal Chancellor....
German Protestant Church Congress in West Berlin (1977)
From June 8-12, 1977, the Seventeenth German Protestant Church Congress was held in West Berlin under the motto, “Bear One Another’s Burdens [Galatians 6:2].” The approximately 59,000 participants....
Erich Honecker Welcomes Helmut Schmidt at the Airport (December 11, 1981)
Although the beginning of the 1980s saw renewed East-West tensions (these being attributable to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and NATO’s....
Helmut Schmidt and Erich Honecker at Schloss Hubertusstock on Lake Werbellin (December 11-13, 1981)
Relations between the two German states worsened when the GDR government decided, on October 13, 1980, to increase the amount of foreign currency that visitors to the GDR from “non-socialist foreign....
Güstrow during Helmut Schmidt’s Visit (December 13, 1981)
From December 11-13, 1981, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and Chairman of the Council of State of the GDR Erich Honecker met at....
Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic in the GDR (1982)
In Article 8 of the Basic Treaty, the Federal Republic and the GDR agreed to establish permanent....