Foreign Students at Karl Marx University in Leipzig (c. 1960)
Under the ideological guidelines of “proletarian“ or “socialist internationalism,” foreign students were afforded the opportunity to study in the GDR starting in 1951. Bilateral treaties, cooperation....
Italian Guest Workers (1962)
The first treaty between the Federal Republic and Italy on the recruitment and placement of guest workers was signed in 1955. Early on, there were relatively few guest workers in the Federal Republic.....
Italian Guest Workers in the Building Industry (1962)
A large percentage of foreign guest workers were recruited for the construction industry. Of the approximately 107,030 Italian guest workers recruited in 1961, nearly half – 49,479 – were employed....
Female Guest Workers from Greece in a Hamburg Production Facility for Alcoholic Spirits (1963)
The guest-worker recruitment initiative also brought large numbers of female workers to the Federal....
Foreign Worker, Guest Worker, Colleague? (1966)
In 1966, a number of conferences on the subject of “employing foreign workers” were held in the Federal Republic. Many were organized by the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations or by....
Turkish Guest Workers (1969)
Until the mid-1960s, most guest workers came from the Mediterranean region, mainly Italy. Later,....
Turkish School Class (1969)
Over the course of the 1960s, guest workers began staying for longer and longer periods of time. Moreover, many Turkish parents began bringing their children....
Private Accommodations at the Ford Factory in Cologne (1971)
Initially, the overwhelming majority of guest workers – approximately two-thirds in 1962 – were housed in workers’ accommodations that were often little more than barracks. Such arrangements were....
Elvis Posters on Flowered Wallpaper (1975)
The youth and pop culture movements of the postwar period also touched the so-called second generation of guest workers, those born and raised in the Federal Republic. In their case, generational....
Friedland Refugee Camp (March 16, 1976)
In September 1945, the British military government built a camp in Friedland, south of Göttingen, near the American (Hesse) and Soviet occupation (Thuringia) zones. The camp was designed as the first....