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From Resurrection of the Lady by Paula von Reznicek (1928)

Paula von Reznicek (1895-1976) was an internationally-ranked tennis player, journalist, and writer. In 1928, she published Resurrection of the Lady [Auferstehung der Dame], an illustrated book that served as a kind of compendium of contemporary views on feminine identity. Among other points, Reznicek argued that women needed to participate in sports, which she viewed as energizing and life-affirming. Additionally, she encouraged the “resurrected lady” to take a more active role in social and public life, since male leaders had let women down.

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From <i>Resurrection of the Lady</i> by Paula von Reznicek (1928)

Paula von Reznicek, Auferstehung der Dame. Stuttgart: 1928, pp. 52, 114.