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Directive to the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Occupation Forces (JCS 1067) (April 1945)

Directive JCS 1067 to the Commander in Chief of U.S. forces in Germany (April 1945) laid out the main features of American occupation policy in the postwar period. Its numerous tough regulations remained officially in force until the middle of 1947. According to this directive, Germany was to be treated as an enemy state – one that needed to be permanently prevented from becoming a renewed threat to peace. “Fraternization” between the American occupation forces and Germans was prohibited. Denazification was to be achieved through the dissolution of all Nazi organizations and the exclusion of their members from public life and higher positions in the economic sector. A new start to political life was only possible with American permission, and the reopening of educational institutions was to take place under strict control. Likewise, economic life was to be revived in accordance with strict directives. The economy was to be decentralized and controlled with the help of German agencies. The German economy was to produce only enough to provision the occupation troops and to provide a basic livelihood for the population. A more robust economic recovery was not desirable. The standard of living in the American zone was not to exceed that in neighboring countries.

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1. The Purpose and Scope of this Directive:

This directive is issued to you as Commanding General of the United States forces of occupation in Germany. As such you will serve as United States member of the Control Council and will also be responsible for the administration of military government in the zone or zones assigned to the United States for purposes of occupation and administration. It outlines the basic policies which will guide you in those two capacities after the termination of the combined command of the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force.

This directive sets forth policies relating to Germany in the initial post-defeat period. As such it is not intended to be an ultimate statement of policies of this Government concerning the treatment of Germany in the post-war world.
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Part I.
General and Political

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4. Basic Objectives of Military Government in Germany:

a. It should be brought home to the Germans that Germany’s ruthless warfare and the fanatical Nazi resistance have destroyed the German economy and made chaos and suffering inevitable and that the Germans cannot escape responsibility for what they have brought upon themselves.

b. Germany will not be occupied for the purpose of liberation but as a defeated enemy nation. Your aim is not oppression but to occupy Germany for the purpose of realizing certain important Allied objectives. In the conduct of your occupation and administration you should be just but firm and aloof. You will strongly discourage fraternization with the German officials and population.

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