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Martin Luther's "Tower Experience" (1545)
In 1545, Martin Luther penned the following autobiographical introduction for a collection of his....
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Practical Reformation – Pastor Matthias Bengel to the Governor at Kassel (December 24, 1531)
Matthias Bengel was a pastor in the community of Morschen in northern Hesse. This letter, written to the Hessian Governor at Kassel in 1531, sheds light on practical problems relating to the introduction....
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Iconoclasm – Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt Argues against Images (1522)
The Franconian Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt (1486-1541) was the chancellor of the University of Wittenberg, where Martin Luther was a professor....
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From Reformer to Revolutionary – Thomas Müntzer, Sermon to the Princes (July 13, 1524)
Thomas Müntzer (c. 1489-1525) was a priest and early ally of Martin Luther. After Münzter began pushing a more radical agenda, however, the two had a falling out. In 1521, Münzter was expelled from....
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The Marburg Colloquy – Report by a Lutheran Eyewitness (1529)
After the Lutherans raised their protest at the Imperial Diet of Speyer in 1529, thus giving rise to the name “Protestant,” the doctrinal quarrel between Martin....
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The Marburg Colloquy – Ulrich Zwingli's Report (October 20, 1529)
In October 1520, Landgrave Philip of Hesse invited Martin....
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The Marburg Colloquy – The Marburg Articles (1529)
This text contains the articles of the agreement signed at Marburg by Luther, Zwingli, and eight....
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The Birth of Anabaptism – Report on Early Rebaptisms (January 30-February 7, 1525)
Starting in the mid-1520s, the leaders of the young Protestant movement faced a constellation of opponents who were united by two basic beliefs. First, they insisted on the validity of adult baptism....
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Definition and Demarcation – Conrad Grebel and Others to Thomas Müntzer (September 5, 1524)
The early Swiss Anabaptist leader Conrad Grebel (c. 1498-1526) and some other “Swiss Brethren” wrote the following letter to
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An Anabaptist Confession of Faith – The Schleitheim Articles (1527)
Drafted in 1527 as a union document, the Schleitheim Articles are the most famous Anabaptist statement of faith. The Articles are attributed to Michael Sattler (c. 1495-1527), a former Benedictine....
1-10 of 13 documents