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Alfred Krupp, Address to his Employees (February 11, 1877)
One of imperial Germany’s leading industrialists, the steel magnate Alfred Krupp (1812-1887) was....
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Carl Ferdinand von Stumm-Halberg, Address to his Employees (c. 1889)
Carl Ferdinand von Stumm-Halberg (1836-1901), a steel magnate and Free Conservative member....
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Interior of a Leipzig Law Professor's Home (1870s-1880s)
This description of a Leipzig law professor's home was written from the critical perspective of his own son. It illustrates how, in the decade following unification, the rising class of professionals....
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Financing the Upbringing and Education of a Bourgeois Family (1860-1890)
This excerpt from a 1921 scholarly study documenting the family budget of a higher civil servant from 1860 to 1890 shows the costs involved in raising and educating children in a manner befitting....
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Butchers, Cattle-Traders, and Jews in Mainz
Due to legal restrictions and prejudice, trade had been a traditional source of income for Jews in Germany for centuries, and this was true even after Jewish....
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A Tailor in a Small Pomeranian Town (1870s)
Franz Rehbein (1867-1909) was a farm laborer whose principal legacy was his autobiography—one of the rare personal testimonies of the agrarian working class of the late nineteenth century. Rehbein’s....
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Artisanal Masters Oppose the Rise of Factory Work in Krefeld (1870s)
In contrast to countries like Great Britain, which experienced industrialization early on, Germany first saw a massive shift from small artisanal workshops to large factories in the second half of....
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Retail Clerks in Changing Economic Times (c. 1890)
This excerpt is taken from a report by Karl Oldenberg, a well-known economics professor who served on the editorial board of the journal Schmollers Jahrbuch, which published the full report....
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Categories of Rural Workers in the Late Nineteenth Century
Even in the late nineteenth century, the majority of Germans lived in towns of fewer than 2,000 inhabitants; agriculture continued to be a major employer, especially in the east. This passage, drawn....
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Flax Cultivation on the Lüneburg Heath (1870s)
In the 1870s, mechanization was still underdeveloped in most parts of rural Germany, and farming was closely linked to seasonal cycles: summer entailed long, outdoor workdays, while indoor tasks....
11-20 of 55 documents