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Berlin Appeal: "Make Peace without Weapons" (January 25, 1982)
Following the example of the Krefeld Appeal, about eighty members of the East German opposition signed the Berlin....
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Independent and Official Peace Policies on a Collision Course (April 16, 1982)
In this telex to the first secretaries of the regional SED headquarters and the head of the main political administration of the National People’s Army, Erich Honecker....
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The CSU Demonstrates for Peace (October 20, 1983)
The CSU organizes its own peace demonstration in response to protests in many large West German cities. Speaking at the demonstration, CSU chairman Franz Josef Strauß....
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East-West German Initiative (1983)
Pointing to the massive protests against the deployment of U.S. medium-range missiles, citizens of both East and West Germany make a joint appeal to Bundestag representatives. They renew their demands....
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The Christian Peace Movement in the GDR (1983)
Responding to the arrest of peace movement members, the East German group “Women for Peace” turned to church leaders in Saxony, Berlin-Brandenburg and Anhalt, reminding them of the church’s special....
11-15 of 15 documents