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The Breakup of the All-German Olympic Team (October 11, 1968)
Social ties between East and West Germany gradually ruptured as a result of the Wall. The Cold War moved beyond the political realm and spilled over into athletic competition, with each side viewing....
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The Communist Case for "Demarcation" from the West (February 10, 1971)
In response to West German efforts to increase the permeability of the East-West border, the leading....
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The Protestant Compromise with the East German State (1977)
When East German Protestant church leaders severed their organizational ties with the West German Church one of the last remaining connections between the two Germanies succumbed to the pressures....
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Sketch of an East German Border Fortification (1984)
East Germany strengthened its border fortifications in response to ongoing flight attempts. The original....
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The American Demand to Tear Down the Wall (June 12, 1987)
The Wall became the central symbol of the Cold War division of Europe, prompting visiting statesmen such as U.S. President Ronald Reagan to make speeches in its....
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Statistics on East German Resettlers, Refugees, and Escapees (1961-1990)
The East German government played down the number of people killed at the Wall, whereas West German newspapers....
11-16 of 16 documents