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Proclamation by the Central Committee of the German Communist Party (June 11, 1945)
In the Soviet occupation zone, “anti-Fascist” parties and unions were permitted again as early as June 10, 1945. The revival of the German Communist Party [Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands,....
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Proclamation by the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDPD) (July 5, 1945)
On July 5, 1945, the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDPD) shared its founding manifesto with the public in the Soviet occupation zone. Whereas the KPD, the SPD, and the CDU had already expressed....
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Anton Ackermann, the "German Path to Socialism" (February 1946)
As early as July 14, 1945, the four newly established parties in the Soviet occupation zone (KPD, SPD, CDU, LDPD) joined to form a “block of anti-Fascist, democratic parties.” In the fall of 1945,....
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Principles and Aims of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (April 21, 1946)
On April 21-22, 1946, the KPD and the SPD in the Soviet occupation zone merged to form the Socialist....
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Program of the Democratic Farmers’ Party of Germany (1949)
Two additional parties were founded in the Soviet occupation zone in the spring of 1948: the National Democratic Party of Germany and the Democratic Farmers’ Party of Germany [Demokratische Bauernpartei....
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From the Resolution of the First Party Conference of the SED (January 28, 1949)
On January 28, 1949, the first party conference of the SED advocated the further development of the SED into a Leninist-Stalinist cadre party with centralized leadership by a Politburo and strict....
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Appeal by the Preparatory Trade Union Committee for Greater Berlin (June 15, 1945)
In the summer of 1945, under signs of centralization, the reorganization of the unions began in the Soviet occupation zone. This decidedly political appeal by the Preparatory Trade Union Committee....
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"Why is there no Opposition in the GDR?" (May 17, 1957)
Published at a time when intense persecution threatened anyone whose political views differed from those of the party, this article from the SED’s central organ Neues Deutschland (May 17,....
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