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Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: "Family, Family Law" (1845-1848)
This entry from Carl von Rotteck's and Carl Welcker's Staats-Lexikon (1845-1848) on "Family,....
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Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: "Relations between the Sexes" (1845-1848)
Though postulating fundamental differences between the sexes, the author of the following Staats-Lexikon entry on "Relations between the sexes" advocates some degree of legal equality between....
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Commercial Marriage Brokerage and Bohemian Life in the Big City: Excerpts from Ernst Dronke, Berlin (1846)
This passage from Ernst Dronke's (1822-1891) Berlin (1846) introduces two phenomena regarded as typical of big cities. First, Dronke addresses the commercialization of marriage through marriage....
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Women's Activism in the Revolution of 1848/49: Statutes of the Viennese Democratic Women's Association (1848); Report on their Activities (1850); Petition to the Austrian Constituent Assembly (October 16, 1848)
The statutes of the Viennese Democratic Women's Association, founded during the Revolution of 1848/49, define the group's various political, social, and humanitarian objectives: education aimed....
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Women’s Activism in the Revolution of 1848/49: Appeal of the Married Women and Maidens of Württemberg to the Soldiers of Germany (1849)
In 1849, counter-revolutionary government troops fought against their fellow citizens, violently suppressing the revolution in Germany. In this appeal to "German warriors," the women of Württemberg....
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Women's Activism in the Revolution of 1848/49: Louise Otto's Statement of Principles in the First Issue of the Women’s Newspaper (April 21, 1849)
In this statement of principles published in the first issue of Women's Newspaper [Frauen-Zeitung] (1849), ....
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Early German Feminist Criticism of Marriage: Louise Otto, "Marriage in the Countryside" (1851)
In the 1851 article "Marriage in the Countryside," published in her own Women's Newspaper [Frauen-Zeitung], ....
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A Conservative Folklorist on Social Class and Gender Roles (1852)
Remarkably, the conservative folklorist Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1823-1897) was skeptical of any artificial separation of gender spheres according to which men were active in public life and women....
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Conservative Criticism of Women's Activism (1852)
In this excerpt from The Family (1852), Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl attacks "emancipated" women and any type of activity by women in public life. Basing his argument on the "natural" differences....
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First Feminist Efforts: Statutes of the General German Women's Association (1865)
Founded in 1865, the General German Women's Association aimed to foster women's education and to prepare them for employment – goals that challenged the traditional view of women. The association....
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