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Heinrich Himmler’s Commentary on page 33 of Mein Kampf: "The Possibility of De-miscegenation [Entmischung] is at Hand" (1927)
The ideological and political goals that Hitler formulated in 1924 in Mein Kampf formed the basis....
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SS Marriage Order (December 31, 1931)
When Himmler took over the SS [Schutzstaffel] in January 1929, it was a relatively unimportant....
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Himmler’s Secret Speech to High Officials of the Reich Security Main Office [Reichssicherheitshauptamt or RSHA] (January 30, 1943)
In the end, the enormous SS-apparatus that evolved under Himmler’s leadership had little in common with....
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The Führer’s Decree on the Institution of a Chief of the German Police and the Appointment of Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler to the Post (June 17, 1936)
After Hitler’s takeover of power, Himmler became police president of Munich and acquired control over the political police in Bavaria soon thereafter. In 1934, Prussian Minister President Hermann....
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The Führer’s Decree on Preserving the Purity of the SS and the Police (November 15, 1941)
In Himmler’s eyes, homosexuality was a “plague” that harmed the race and cheated the German Volk out of valuable offspring. Starting in 1936, he pursued its eradication through his Reich Central....
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Decree from the Head of the Security Police to the Heads of all State Police Offices (September 3, 1939)
The outbreak of war in September 1939 gave Himmler....
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Letter from the Head of the Security Police and the SD, Reinhard Heydrich, on the Classification of Concentration Camps (January 2, 1941)
As early as March 1933, Himmler, then police president of Munich, had ordered the creation of the first Nazi concentration camp, which was located in nearby Dachau.....
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Oswald Pohl’s Report to Heinrich Himmler on the Expansion of the Concentration Camps (April 30, 1942)
After the outbreak of war, camp inmates were increasingly deployed in armaments production and mercilessly exploited in the process. With the integration of prisoners into wartime production, the....
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Benedikt Kautsky’s Description of the Concentration Camp Hierarchy (Retrospective Account, 1961)
In general terms, the actual purpose of concentration camps was not to rehabilitate inmates, but to punish them through humiliation, torture, and economic exploitation. The standardized brutality....
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Excerpt from Himmler’s Speech to the SS-Gruppenführer at Posen (October 4, 1943)
Himmler’s three-hour speech to high-ranking SS functionaries is notorious for its elaborations on the....
1-10 of 10 documents