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Socialist Education (February 25, 1965)

The program passed at the SED’s 6th Party Congress in January 1963 called for efforts to restructure East Germany’s education system. With the implementation of the Uniform Socialist Education System Act, these efforts were largely complete. The act provided for a common curriculum for all students up to grade ten; the curriculum emphasized vocational training and political-ideological education.

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Uniform Socialist Educational System Act. February 25, 1965.

The German Democratic Republic has entered the new, the socialist age. After the triumph of socialist relations of production, the main thrust of the creative activity of the working class and of the entire population is now the comprehensive build-up of socialism. The realization of the historic tasks of the socialist program agreed upon at the 6th Party Congress of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, the mastering of the technological revolution, and the development of the socialist community demand, in the interest of society and of every individual, a higher quality system of education: the uniform socialist education system.

The working class, together with the farmers’ collectives and all other workers, and under the leadership of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, has created the foundation for the victory of socialism. The German Democratic Republic has become a capable, modern industrial nation and a bastion of peace. It is closely allied with the socialist Soviet Union, with the other countries in the socialist community, and with all peace-loving peoples. The people of the German Democratic Republic are free from exploitation and oppression; they are socially secure. Women have equal rights. In keeping with women’s important role in socialist society, special attention is paid to their advancement and development. All of the love and care of the workers’ and peasants’ state is devoted to the young generation, which is achieving great things in production and in political and cultural life. The party of the working class, the government, and the National Front of Democratic Germany are constantly working to give responsibility to youth, to show them trust, and to give them every possible opportunity to obtain qualifications for their professions and for life in society.

All citizens of our country – irrespective of sex, social status, worldview, faith, and race – enjoy the same rights. The privilege of education is no longer the sole preserve of the exploiter classes. As once envisioned and demanded by the best humanist thinkers of the German nation, access to science, culture, and technology is open to all in our state. Everyone can develop their abilities to the fullest. The doors to supervisory and executive positions at work and in society are open to our citizens.

This is how the socialist community evolved in the German Democratic Republic. The principle is: Everything with the people, everything by the people, everything for the people.

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