Article 4
All measures taken by state authority must be compatible with the principles which the Constitution has declared to be contained in state authority. Pursuant to Article 66 of this Constitution, the popular representative body is to decide on the constitutionality of such measures. Everyone has the right and the duty to resist measures contradicting enactments of the popular representative body.
Every citizen is in duty bound to act in accordance with the Constitution and to defend it against all enemies.
Article 5
The generally recognized rules of international law are binding upon state authority and every citizen. It is the duty of state authority to maintain and cultivate amicable relations with all peoples. No citizen may participate in belligerent actions designed to oppress any people.
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Source: Constitution of the German Democratic Republic (October 7, 1949), reprinted in Louis L. Snyder, ed., Documents in German History. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press 1958, pp. 540-41.