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Constitution of the German Empire (April 16, 1871)

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Art. 51
In making over the balance of the postal administration for general Reich purposes (Art. 49), in consideration of the previous difference in the net incomes obtained by the State postal administrations of the separate territories, the following procedure is to be observed for the purpose of a corresponding arrangement during the undermentioned period of transition: From the postal balances which have accrued in the separate postal districts during the five years from 1861 to 1865, an average yearly balance will be calculated, and the share which each separate postal district has had in the postal balance thus shown for the whole territory of the Reich, will be fixed according to percentages.

According to the proportion ascertained in this manner, the separate States will be credited for the next eight years after their entrance into the postal administration of the Reich, with such quotas as accrue to them from the postal balances produced in the Reich, in account with their other contributions for purposes of the Reich.

At the expiration of the eight years all distinctions cease, and the postal balances will flow in undivided account into the Reich Treasury, according to the principle set forth in Art. 49. From the quotas of the postal surplus thus ascertained during the before-mentioned eight years for the Hanseatic towns, one-half will be placed beforehand every year at the disposal of the Emperor, for the purpose, in the first place, of paying therefrom the expenses for the establishment of normal postal institutions in the Hanseatic towns.

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Section IX. Shipping and Navigation

Art. 53
The war navy of the Reich is one united navy under the chief command of the Emperor. The organisation and composition thereof is the business of the Emperor, who appoints the naval officers and officials and into whose service they and the men are to be sworn.

The harbour of Kiel and that on the Jade Bight are military harbours of the Reich.

The necessary expenses for the establishment and maintenance of the war fleet, and the institutions in connection therewith, are paid from the Reich Treasury.

The whole of the maritime population of the Reich, including engineers and shipwrights, are free from service in the land forces but, on the other hand, are bound to serve in the Reich Navy.

The apportionment of the recruits is arranged according to the number of the maritime population, and the quota which each State thus contributes is deducted from the contingent to the land army.

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