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Auxiliary Service Law (December 1916)

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§ 7. Those who are not employed in Auxiliary Service in the terms of § 2 can be inducted at any time into Auxiliary Service. Induction normally follows a summons to report voluntarily, which is issued by the War Office or an authority designated by the state central authority. If this request receives no adequate response, the individual who is obligated to Auxiliary Service shall be inducted by written order of a committee, which will normally be formed in every recruitment committee’s district and will consist of a military officer as chairman, a higher official, and two representatives of employers and two of employees. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the deciding vote. The officer and the representatives of the employers shall be appointed in accordance with § 5, Clause 2. The higher official shall be appointed by the competent state central authority, or by an authority appointed by it. Everyone who receives the special written summons must seek employment in one of the branches designated in § 2. If employment on the terms of the summons is not obtained within two weeks’ time, the committee will assign the man to employment. Appeals of the committee’s decision will be decided by the committee formed by the Deputy Commanding General. (§ 4, Par. 2). Appeals do not postpone the obligation to serve.

§ 8. As far as possible, assignment of employment is to observe due regard for the age, family conditions, place of residence, and health, as well as the previous occupation of the person who is obligated to Auxiliary Service. By the same token, consideration is to be given to whether the prospective wage is sufficient to support the employee and any dependents.

§ 9. No one may to hire a man obligated to Auxiliary Service who is employed in one of the capacities designated in § 2, or who has been employed there during the previous two weeks, unless the applicant presents a certificate from his previous employer to the effect that the employee has left his job with the consent of the employer. Should the employer refuse to give such a certificate, the man who is obligated to Auxiliary Service may appeal to a committee that is to be formed, as a rule, in every recruitment committee’s district and is to consist of a representative of the War Office, as chairman, and three representatives each of employers and employees. Two of these three representatives in each case are permanent; the others are to be drawn from the same occupation as the man who is obligated to Auxiliary Service. If, after investigating the case, the committee acknowledges that there are significant grounds for having left employment, it shall issue a certificate that will serve in lieu of the employer’s certificate. A suitable improvement in conditions of labor in some form of national Auxiliary Service shall count in particular as significant grounds.

§ 10. The War Office shall issue instructions for procedures in the committees designated in § 4, Par. 2; § 7, Par. 2, and § 9, Par. 2. In appointing representatives of employers and labor in the committees (§ 5, 6, 7, Par. 2, and §9, Par. 2), lists of candidates shall be obtained by the War Office from trade organizations of employers and employees. To the extent that similar committees (war committees, etc.) are already in place to undertake the duties of the committees specified in § 9, Par. 2, they may replace those committees with the consent of the War Office.

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