§ 14. The exercise of the legal rights of association and assembly may not be limited for persons who are employed in national Auxiliary Service.
§ 15. For industrial firms that are part of the Army and Navy, regulations are to be issued by the competent authorities in accordance with § 11 and § 13.
§ 16. Industrial workers who are transferred under this law into agricultural labor are not subject to regulations of the law on agricultural domestic labor.
§ 17. Information about questions of employment and labor, as well as about wages and conditions in firms, is to be issued when demanded by public announcement or by direct inquiry from the War Office. The War Office is empowered to inspect the firm through its representative.
§ 18. Imprisonment not to exceed one year and a fine not to exceed 10,000 marks, or either of these penalties, or detention, shall be the penalty for: (1) anyone who refuses employment assigned to him on the basis of § 7, Par. 3; (2) anyone who employs a worker in violation of the regulation in § 9, Par. 1; (3) anyone who does not provide the information provided for in § 15 within the appointed time, or who willfully makes false or incomplete statements.
§ 19. The Federal Council shall issue the provisions necessary to implement this law. General regulations need the consent of a committee of fifteen members appointed by the Reichstag from among its own members. The War Office is obligated to keep the committee apprised of all important events, to provide information to it upon demand, to accept its suggestions, and to obtain its opinion before issuing important general regulations. The committee is entitled to meet when the Reichstag is not in session. The Federal Council can threaten imprisonment not to exceed one year and a fine not to exceed 10,000 Marks, or either of these penalties, or detention, for failure to carry out its implementation provisions.
§ 20. The law shall come into effect on the day of its publication. The Federal Council shall fix the point when it expires. If the Federal Council makes no use of this power within one month of the conclusion of peace with the European Powers, the law shall expire.
Source: “Gesetz über den vaterländischen Hilfsdienst vom 5. Dezember 1916” [“The Auxiliary Service Law of December 5, 1916”], Reichs-Gesetzblatt [Reich Law Gazette], 1916, p. 1333.
From: http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/dokumente/hdg/index.html
Translation: Jeffrey Verhey and Roger Chickering