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German Federal Act (June 8, 1815)

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Art. 4. The affairs of the Confederation shall be managed by a Confederal Assembly, in which all members of the union shall vote through their plenipotentiaries, either individually or collectively, in the following manner, without prejudice to their rank.

1) Austria             

1 Vote

2) Prussia                 

1 Vote

3) Bavaria

1 Vote

4) Saxony                               

1 Vote

5) Hanover       

1 Vote

6) Württemberg

1 Vote

7) Baden             

1 Vote

8) Electoral Hesse (Churshesse [Hesse-Kassel])

1 Vote

9) Grand Duchy of Hesse (Großherzogtum Hessen [Hesse-Darmstadt]     

1 Vote

10) Denmark on behalf of Holstein             

1 Vote

11) Netherlands on behalf of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg

1 Vote

12) The Grand Ducal and Ducal Houses of Saxony        

1 Vote

13) Brunswick (Braunschweig) and Nassau

1 Vote

14) Meklenburg-Schwerin and Meklenburg-Strelitz                          

1 Vote

15) Holstein-Oldenburg, Anhalt, and Schwarzburg                

1 Vote

16) Hohenzollern, Lichtenstein, Reuss, Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe, and Waldeck     

1 Vote


The free cities of Lübeck, Frankfurth, Bremen, and Hamburg           

1 Vote

18) Total

17 Votes

Art. 5. Austria shall preside in the Confederal Assembly. Each member of the union has the right to make and support propositions, and the presiding state is bound within a determined period to bring them under deliberation.

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