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31.   Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: "Relations between the Sexes" (1845-1848)
Though postulating fundamental differences between the sexes, the author of the following Staats-Lexikon entry on "Relations between the sexes" advocates some degree of legal equality between....
32.   Problematic Feelings about Parties: Excerpts from the Staats-Lexikon: "Parties" (1845-1848)
The author of the following entry in Staats-Lexikon (1845-1848), a twelve-volume encyclopedia of political terms and concepts, argued that political parties should be differentiated according....
33.   Alexander von Humboldt: Excerpts from Cosmos (1845-58)
Toward the end of his life, the geographer, naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)....
34.   Commercial Marriage Brokerage and Bohemian Life in the Big City: Excerpts from Ernst Dronke, Berlin (1846)
This passage from Ernst Dronke's (1822-1891) Berlin (1846) introduces two phenomena regarded as typical of big cities. First, Dronke addresses the commercialization of marriage through marriage....
35.   Debate in the Parliament of the Duchy of Nassau on a Motion for the Complete Emancipation of the Jews in the Duchy (1846)
In May 1846, the parliament of the Duchy of Nassau discussed a motion to grant equal civic rights to the Jewish population. Comparable to deliberations in other German states during the revolution....
36.   Ernst Dronke on Popular Theater, Bourgeois Theater, and Court Theater in Berlin (1846)
In his book Berlin (1846), the writer and socialist Ernst Dronke (1822-1891) offers....
37.   Ernst Dronke: Excerpts from Berlin (1846)
In the following excerpts from Berlin (1846), socialist writer Ernst Dronke presents a kaleidoscopic view of life in the Prussian capital at the very beginning of a period of substantial....
38.   The Liberals: Heppenheim Program of the Southwest German Liberals (1847)
The report in the Deutsche Zeitung (German Newspaper) from October 15, 1847, summarizes the discussions of the south German and Prussian Rhineland liberals who met in Heidelberg on....
39.   "Freedom of Occupation": Excerpt from the Staats-Lexikon: "Trade and Manufacturing" (1845-1848)
As this excerpt from Carl von Rotteck and Carl Welcker’s Staats-Lexikon (1845-1848) demonstrates,....
40.   Women's Activism in the Revolution of 1848/49: Statutes of the Viennese Democratic Women's Association (1848); Report on their Activities (1850); Petition to the Austrian Constituent Assembly (October 16, 1848)
The statutes of the Viennese Democratic Women's Association, founded during the Revolution of 1848/49, define the group's various political, social, and humanitarian objectives: education aimed....
31-40 of 81 documents < previous  |  next >