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211-220 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
211.   Soviet-German Communiqué (August 23, 1953)
After the Soviet Union had failed in its attempts to move the Western powers toward negotiations on a peace treaty and on a neutralized, unified Germany, and after the June....
212.   Explanations from the Ministry of the Interior of the GDR on the Situation of the Former Resettlers (October 20, 1953)
After 1945, the majority of refugees and expellees from Eastern Europe settled in the Western occupation zones and in West Germany. Even though fewer refugees settled in East Germany, the government....
213.   The Politburo of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany: Further Measures in the Fight against Republikflucht (December 15, 1953)
The GDR leadership struggled to stop Republikflucht (the flight of East Germans from the German Democratic Republic to the West), but there was little it could about its basic underlying causes....
214.   The Role of Women from a Protestant and Catholic Perspective in the 1950s (1954/1958)
In the 1950s, both the Protestant and Catholic churches criticized the trend toward women’s participation in the workforce. They continued to see women in their traditional role as wife and mother.
215.   Statement by the Foreign Ministers of the Western Powers on the Berlin Conference (February 20, 1954)
At Winston Churchill’s suggestion, the foreign ministers of the four victorious powers of World War II sat down together in Berlin in January and February 1954 to discuss the German question for....
216.   Protocol Modifying and Completing the Brussels Treaty (Paris, October 23, 1954)
In connection with its acceptance into NATO, the Federal Republic of Germany voluntarily renounced the development, production, and use of atomic weapons. This was not difficult, since a debate on....
217.   Protocol on the Accession of the Federal Republic of Germany to the North Atlantic Treaty (Paris, October 23, 1954)
At the end of August 1954, the French National Assembly failed to ratify the European Defense Community Treaty. But this only represented a brief setback for the project of integrating a West German....
218.   Housework with Husband and Children (1955)
This 1955 letter to the editor of the East German women’s magazine Die Frau von heute [The Woman of Today] described the division of labor in a household with two working parents. The....
219.   Jazz Discussion in the GDR (1955)
This protocol of a discussion between Reginald Rudorf and officials of the Ministry of Culture and the Association of German Composers of the GDR [Verband deutscher Komponisten or VdK] on....
220.   Jeanette Wolff: Restitution for Nazi Victims (1955)
In 1955, Jeanette Wolff, a Social Democratic Bundestag representative, who was herself Jewish and had lost most of her family in the concentration camps of the “Third Reich,” took the Bundestag floor....
211-220 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >