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121.   Edlef Köppen, "The Magazine as a Sign of the Times" (1925)
In October 1924, Ullstein Verlag began publishing the monthly magazine Der Uhu; its circulation was around 100,000. Modeled on American magazines, richly illustrated periodicals of this sort....
122.   Franz Roh, "Post-Expressionist Schema" (1925)

123.   Hans Surén, Excerpts from Man and Sunlight (1925/27)
As a military officer, Hans Surén (1885-1972) was stationed in Namibia during World War I. After the war, he was appointed head of a military school of physical education near Berlin. Beginning in....
124.   Rudolf Kayser, "Americanism" (1925)
The catchwords “Americanism” and “Americanization” gave rise to a host of stereotypes, notions, and projections (e.g., the clichéd view of America as a country without “culture” or as a mass society)....
125.   Stefan Zweig, "The Monotonization of the World" (1925)

126.   Arnold Brecht on Paul von Hindenburg as Reich President (Retrospective Account, 1966)
In the second round of the Reich presidential race on April 26, 1925, former field marshal Paul von Hindenburg was elected with 48.3 percent of the vote. He owed his victory primarily to the Bavarian....
127.   Adolf Hitler on Trade Unions (1925)

128.   Ernst Lorsy, "The Hour of Chewing Gum" (1926)
After the German economy had stabilized, the Chicago chewing gum manufacturer Wrigley tried to establish a presence in the German market. To that end, he spent around 2 million Reichsmark to build....
129.   Felix Gilbert on Being a Student of Friedrich Meinecke in the 1920s (Retrospective Account, 1988)
In this excerpt, historian Felix Gilbert describes the extent to which he was influenced by Friedrich Meinecke, who was one of his professors. Meinecke characterized himself as a “monarchist at heart”....
130.   Frank Warschauer, "Jazz: On Whiteman’s Berlin Concerts" (1926)

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