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Martin Bormann’s Circular of May 5, 1943, which included a Memorandum on the General Principles Governing the Treatment of Foreign Laborers Employed in the Reich (dated April 15, 1943)

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National Socialist German Workers’ Party
Party Chancellery

The Head of the Party Chancellery
Führer’s Headquarters, May 5, 1943

Circular No. 70/43

Subject: Memorandum concerning the general principles governing the treatment of foreign workers employed in the Reich.

The Reich Propaganda Ministry and the Reich Security Main Office have issued a joint memorandum on the treatment of foreign workers employed in the Reich.

Please use the enclosed copy to educate party members and German compatriots about the need to take a firm but just approach to the treatment of foreign workers.

This memorandum is not to be made public.

Signed: M. Bormann.

Distribution: Reichsleiter,

Concerning the general principles governing the treatment of foreign workers employed in the Reich. [April 15, 1943]

The Reich’s struggle against the destructive forces of Bolshevism is increasingly becoming a European affair. For the first time in the history of this continent, the outlines of a European solidarity are beginning to emerge, albeit only in small measure in some countries. One practical result of this [emerging European solidarity] can be seen in the fact that millions of foreign workers, from almost all the countries of the European continent, are employed in the Reich. This group includes a large number of members of defeated enemy forces. This fact imposes upon the German people special obligations; these derive primarily from the following principles:

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